Messing with My Mind Daily ...

Friday, March 03, 2006


For one of my internship applications I had to get my Myers Briggs personality type. After taking the 20 minute test in which it felt like almost all 126 questions were in some way the same question just worded in a different manner. I have found out my personality type:


So here's what those letters mean:

E - Extrovert over Introvert
N - When getting information I take Intuition over Sensing
T - In making a decision: Thinking over Feeling
J - In orienting with the outer world: Judging over Perceiving

There's a really awesome sheet that comes with it and as I was getting explained all this information, this test is pretty must dead-on. Here's the quick description of my personality type:

Hearty, frank, decisive, leader in activities. Usually good in anything that requires reasoning and intelligent talk, such as public speaking. Usually well informed and enjoy adding to their fund of knowledge. May sometimes appear more positive and confident than their experience in an area warrents.

Here are some famous example of ENTJ's: Richard Nixon (that worked out well for him!), Harrison Ford, Jim Carey, David Letterman, Franklin D. Roosevelt AND Al Gore (yuck!)


  • I'm an ESJT....just so you know I was 10 out of 10 on the extrovert scale....go figure that one! :) Talk to you later!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:39 AM  

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