Messing with My Mind Daily ...

Tuesday, February 03, 2009


Do you ever wonder if the Bible actually speaks about Karma?

And by Karma I mean the current definition of the word. Good things come back to you when you do good thing. Bad things will happen to you when you do bad thing. I’m not debating the meaning of good things or bad things. Role with this line of thought from a particular story.

In the book of Numbers Moses is talking to the Reubenites and Gadites who don’t want to cross the Jordan River and they want to inherit the land. Moses says they can inherit the land if they follow certain requirement God sets forth. Moses tells them they better do what God says:

"But if you fail to do this, you will be sinning against the LORD; and you may be sure that your sin will find you out.” – Numbers 23:32

So if you believe in Karma then don’t you essentially believe in the teachings of the Bible? It would seem in this particular instance there is some sort of correlation. Maybe Karma just kind started from Biblical teachings and “evolved” from there.


  • It's kind of interesting you brought this up as my Mother is dealing with this same issue with her sister since the passing of my Grandfather last month. My Aunt believes in "Mother Nature" not God. But, she believes that if you are inherently good, you will go to Heaven. Can you believe in Heaven is you do not believe in God? Or, is there an underlying belief in God without actually calling it such.

    By Blogger Danielle, at 6:14 PM  

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