Messing with My Mind Daily ...

Thursday, March 12, 2009


On the Soapbox …

As Jay Bilas so eloquently said, “just shut-up and play.”

Last night there were two very prime examples of what makes athletes idiots – trash talking. The fans didn’t pay good money to see two (or more) athletes jaw away at each other. Nobody watching from the stands really cares about what individual battle these athletes have going on amongst each other. There isn’t a stat in any box score anywhere that keeps trash talking score.

First came the Syracuse/Seton Hall Big East quarterfinal game. During a hotly contested postseason game, things can get a little “hot and heavy” on the court from time-to-time during this portion of the year. However, when your team is making a good run and playing well just hit your shot and hustle back and play defense. There’s no need to wag your tongue on your opponent, stare them down or whatever you feel like you need to do to “intimate” them. Act like you’ve been there before

Then, at the end of the Lakers/Rockets game freakin’ Kobe Bryant and Ron Artest decide to have a little one-on-one chit-chat as if the other eight players on the court don’t matter. And by chit-chat they weren’t exactly making post-game dinner plans.

Often times this is what is most wrong athletes. It all goes back to some level of narcissism. You are not bigger than the game itself. You, as an individual, have no worth without your team. Two facts that many of these athletes forget all too often.

Please, for the love of all that is good in sports, just play with your mouth shut.


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