Messing with My Mind Daily ...

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


I was tagged to do this by Laura, so what the heck ...

Three things that scare me
1: Not living a life that matters
2: People who have no control (won't listen to reason)
3: Becoming Homeless

Three people who make me laugh
1: Bill Cosby
2: Stephen Colbert
3: Jon Stewart

Three things I love
1: Jesus
2: Sports
3: Community

Three things I hate
1: Guns
2: Snakes
3: Not being able to breath

Three things I don't understand
1: Grace
2: Forgiveness
3: Women

Three things I love in a Girl/Boy
1: Smile
2: Good Attitude
3: Communicator

Three ways to best describe my personality
1: Trust Worthy
2: Leader
3: Risk Taker

Three things I can't do
1: Cabin a cruise-liner
2: Sword Fight (although I've never tried .. hhmm)
3: Play the Guitar

Three favorite movies
1: Beautiful Mind
2: American Beauty
3: Braveheart

Three Goals for future
1: Speak at Willowcreek's Leadership Summit
2: Move to Colorado or L.A.
3a: Spend time in Africa
3b: See a U2 concert

Three of your dumbest moments
1: Turned down tickets to u2 show
2: Asked a lady when her child was due ... she wasn't pregnant
3: During a Rob Bell speaking engagement, I told the guy sitting in front of me that it was nice of him to bring his mother ... well, it was his wife!


  • You gave up U2 tickets!? Oh my! There has to be a story behind that! Oh, and what's this "3a &3b", wouldn't that be 3&4? Bending the rules!? Oh, and if you sword fight, please take pictures...because I think that would be hilarious! Thanks for playing along! Hope you're doing well! Talk to you later!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:59 PM  

  • I never woulda guessed that you don't understand women...

    (I do believe that is sarcasm you hear...)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:01 AM  

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