Messing with My Mind Daily ...

Monday, July 23, 2007


Just a random thought that I think I have shared with a handful of people before but wanted to pass this along via the blog --

So how many times have you ever considered the David and Goliath story? I'm sure most of us have thought of it a few times. Probably when you had a monumental task in front you. Something like a big athletic competition or a major test that could effect the rest of your schooling, etc., etc.

I would venture to say that 100% of the time we view ourselves as David. You know, that old thought of "be strong and have courage and faith" then everything will be ok and you'll come out on top.

However, why is it when we think of the David and Goliath story we never view ourselves as Goliath? Why is it that when we read that story our application isn't "don't lose your head" or "never underestimate somebody's strength" or "quit your cocky attitude"?

Maybe the story from I Samuel 17 is so much more than a story on courage and strength. It could be more of story of over-confidence and staying level headed.

Ok, just a thought ...


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