Messing with My Mind Daily ...

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


A few weeks ago Rob Bell gave this talk at Mars Hill and I finally got around to listening to it. I highly recommend taking the time and giving this talk a listen. Freakin Brilliant!

“Do You Realize How Far We Are” – June 3, 2007

I would argue that in the western world there is a massive tragedy that we are living in the midst of. And because our culture has lived in for so long people actually accept it instead of rebelling against it with the full force of their being … I would argue that for many people who are serious about changing the world, they do not think to join a church … I would argue that the reason these organization exists (One Campaign, DATA, Nothing but Nets, etc., etc.) is because churches didn’t do the job that Jesus gave them to do … and my question is why do these organization gets to have all the fun?”

“… What if every single person had a friend who was poor? What if a year from now I said the word ‘poor’ and you had a name and a face? It would change everything. What if I said the word ‘poverty’ every person had a name and a face? You wouldn’t let that person down. It would change everything.”


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