Messing with My Mind Daily ...

Monday, August 08, 2005


Ok, never did this before but for some reason I feel like I should, even though I can't describe why. So the below is my "open letter" to Melissa Halliday. Really it's just for her but anyone is welcome to read. It's just what is on my mind ...


So the next chapter of your life is here but the question is how are you approaching it? See I think you have a choice that parallels the end of the movie "Forrest Gump." You can either float around "accidental like" like a feather in the breeze or you can put your one and only life in the hands of the destiny maker.

Many people have chosen option #1 and have just floated around life. Well, as you can attest to what you are going through in a new environment you certainly have put your life in the hands of the destiny maker. Think about it, did you ever think you would be in Kansas City?

As I have stated numerous times during our friendship, God wants to do things in your life that will "blow your mind" and do things so far out of your comfort zone that you can't even see it. However, you have to commit yourself to letting God move in and through you on a daily basis if you want to be blown away! God really does want to execute Esp. 2:10 in your life but you have to allow him to be apart of your life regularly!

All of your friends are committed to you praying for you daily - really we will! No matter how crazy and uncomfortable the situations may come and go during this chapter you know that we are committed to you and your endeavor. We truly want to do "life together." And more importantly so does God!

I can not wait to hear the stories that you are about to create. Because I'm sure that they will be just as good as the ones you already have created and lived through!

Remember - "Love to live. And live to love!"

Keep Living Courageously and Smile Daily!

Your Friend,


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