Messing with My Mind Daily ...

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Remember what you were doing before you were a teenagers? I recall playing a lot of baseball, kickball and enjoying times with my friends during recess. Not holding a semi-automatic weapon or living in fear of stepping just one foot outside my home thinking I might be shot. I certainly don't have to remember watching friends or family members getting killed right in front of me.

I was reading Newsweek shaking my head time-and-time again about what the children living in Iraq are going through on a daily basis. It just isn't right and the United States should be fairly afraid, if not very afraid, of what these children are capable of in the future. In a recent survey take by the United Nations, 47 percent of children living in Iraq have suffered or are suffering exposure to a major traumatic event. What will that generation look like and do in a decade or less?

According to the article there are over 1,000 checkpoints all over the Baghdad area. ONE THOUSAND ... And you thought paying a toll at the end of a highway ramp was bad try getting stopped a dozen or so times a day for "routine check" of your daily activities. And, oh yeah, you are just 15 (or so) years old!

Who do these children blame for all their problems? ... Americans! Very Scary! It's almost as if we are started another war within a war.

Many feel like 16-year old Jumaa ... (from Newsweek) Jumaa longs to kill Americans. "'I will carry a weapon,'" he declares. "'I will fight them to defend my land, country and religion.'"

What kind of world do you want?


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