Messing with My Mind Daily ...

Thursday, March 01, 2007


Did anyone else see this report that just came out how college students are more narcissistic than ever before? (For those in South Bend, it was recently a front page story in the Tribune)

I think my first thought when I read this was - does this surprise anyone, really? Did these researchers really take a 20-plus year block of time to figure out something they could have realized by standing on a street corner in any major city for, say, a weekend?

Fox News Story

Aside from this report, a few months back in my Ethics class at Bethel College we were asked what the biggest social problem is of our generation. The answers, not surprisingly, were varied - abortion, homosexuality, war, poverty, etc. ... I am all but completely convinced that self-centerness (i.e. narcissism) is the biggest social problem of our day.

Think about it - what would happen if everyone cared more about someone (or somebodies) else than themselves? Could you be willing, on a daily basis, to at least take 49% and give 51% of yourself? If you can give more than you take, you will have certainly made a huge adjustment in your life.

As that could (and should) happen, you got to believe that wars would go away, people would be fed and basically people wouldn't have to live a sub-human exsistance any longer.


  • People are so self-centered it is not funny. Those few people that think of others more than themselves are priceless. They are worth more than gold or silver

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:29 AM  

  • I totally agree with you that narcissism is a major problem today. Honestly I think it has a lot to do with the whole "self- esteem" movement going pushing a little too hard. Tell someone repetedly for years that they are "special" and they will believe it... and then they get angry and agressive when everyone else DOESN'T believe it. Not to say that having a good self image isn't important, but where is the balance these days? No one is allowed to be critical or honest when sometimes you as a person NEED that. We are a fallen human race. Should be interesting to see what sort of "corrective" measures, if any, start happening as a result of this study getting attention... or will people continue to ignore the study and just dive deeper and deeper into themselves... hmmmmmm.

    By Blogger Jen, at 12:06 PM  

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