Messing with My Mind Daily ...

Tuesday, May 01, 2007


So a few weeks back I finished the book “for men only” and I have decided that after reading it, I was right. Women really are confusing but more than that, they really are wonderful.

I am still grateful for Proverbs 30:18-19.

There are, like always when I read books, a lot of yellow highlight marks so I just thought I would share a handful:

* “Buried inside most women is a latent insecurity about whether their man really loves them." – Pg. 27 (I was shocked about whole insecure most women are)

* The female multitasking of thoughts and feelings impacts how your wife or girlfriend relates to you every single day. – Pg. 53 (Who Knew?!?) … “There’s never a time that there’s nothing going on in my head.” (Pg. 57)

* I never would have guessed how much a woman’s past can invade the present on a frequent basis. – Pg. 61

* It was stunning to find how much more women seek relational security rather than financial or work security. – Pg. 76/77

* Listening Matters … A lot! Listening matters more than trying to fix the problem. Her feelings matter the most. – pg. 101-102, 104-105

* The Girl in the Mirror … “whether I find her beautiful may or may not be foremost in my mind, but it is an everyday (even if subconscious) issue for her.” – Pg. 155

* I was pretty stunned when I read that the most important thing to a wife is that her husband is her hero. (pg. 179) I’m not sure why that totally caught me off guard but it did but the more I thought about it the more it makes sense.

OK, overall it is a solid book that all men should be reading. If you can figure out a pitchers Earned Run Average (ERA) you should try and figure out how to understand women better even though you may never completely understand. Especially the one you are married to or dating.


  • So Stephen, are you dating someone special? What spurred you to pick up the book?

    Now that you know our secrets...we must hunt you down and....

    By Blogger Dawn Lovitt, at 8:27 AM  

  • I love that your reaction to For Men Only was the same reaction I had to For Women Only! Sometimes its hard to believe we have been in community with the opposite sex for so long, yet never saw the major differences in how we are wired up.

    Talk about "A-Ha!" moments...

    By Blogger Jeanna, at 8:53 AM  

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