Messing with My Mind Daily ...

Sunday, September 09, 2007


I didn’t think a human could be so soaking wet from sweat. After swimming for 500 yards then biking for 16.8 miles only to top all that off with a 4 mile run I have decided that I have never been so filthy sweaty. It was kind of nasty and satisfying all the same to complete the event.

To complete the mini-triathlon felt great. As much as it was an amazing experience, it was a learning one as well.

SWIM – This is the best way to summarize my “swim” effort is to recall the last 75 yards when one of the lifeguards boats followed me to the shore. They were kind of enough to ask me if I was ok and I was but I’m just slow in the water. Something to work on. After I got out of the water I felt like I could have more fun with this event.

BIKE – While Indiana is a fairly flat state, this bike felt like it had very little flat-ness to it. It was a good challenge that was made a little greater for me because I used a mountain bike instead of a road bike (I’m told a road bike would shave about 10 minutes). It was a good ride but I was ready for it to be over because I wanted to get to the run. Somewhere around mile 10 of the bike I began to wonder how people cycled before there were gears.

RUN – The hardest thing about the run was having absolutely no clue about how fast I was running because my legs were jello like for the first mile. I felt as good as possible during the final stage of the event. It felt good to pass a handful of people without getting passed. I did the run at my normal sub-eight minute mile pace which was very satisfying.

My final time was 1:55:59 and I was rather pleased with that since I gave a solid effort on each stage. The next time I do one of these things I’ll do a better job of swimming and try to use a better bike. The big thing for me is to swim better because if I do that I’ll have a more enjoyable time. All things taken into account it was fun event.

Of course, the best part of the whole thing – the post race ice cream! ;-)


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