Messing with My Mind Daily ...

Thursday, August 30, 2007


I was doing my daily reading through the L.A. Times this morning and I stumbled across this story about how Pras (former member of the Fugees) spent nine days along the Skid Row area in downtown L.A. to film a documentary called "Skid Row" that was recently released in major cities.

Fugees' Pras goes from suites to street

It is a pretty fasinating read. Pras is a really smart individual (he did, after all, attend Rutgers and Yales). Some of his experiences and thoughts were just amazing to read about.

Please feel free to check out the trailer for the movie - here. I really like his quote at the end of the trailer --

"I don't have a solution for this but the one thing that I'd like is to, at least, let people know it does exsists."

In so many ways I feel exactly like that quote. I don't know what to do to help the homeless, the under-resourced or margelized. I'm baffled in my attempts time and time again. However, what I do know is that sitting and doing nothing isn't going to do anybody any good.


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