Messing with My Mind Daily ...

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


(Props to Corey for finding the link!)

What in the world where the producers and the powers that be thinking when they used an ending other then this one - here. If you've seen the movie take the next six minutes and watch how it should have ended.

I Am Legend was a really good movie except for the final 10 or so minutes. If it wasn't for the ending there is no doubt in my mind that it would rank up there with one of my favorite action/thrillers ever. Fortunately there are DVD releases that include alternate endings.

The movie ending shown in the theaters wasn't bad but it was extremely anti-climatic. I remember leaving the theater some what let down but at least this newer ending allows me to think of the movie in a little more positive aspect. Seriously this movie went from a seven on a scale of 1-10 to almost a 10 because of the newer ending.


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