Messing with My Mind Daily ...

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


... is really hard! In fact, it might even be more difficult than the actually race. I'll let you know if that turns out to be true after May 24.

So I am about five weeks away from my first attempt at 26.2 miles at the Bayshore Marathon. My longest run up until this point has been 18.25 miles. This weekend I have my first of two 20 mile long runs (the longest I'll go before the race). Although, my legs are some what sore, I am feeling fairly good physically. You know, nothing a little ice can't help heal.

What I am fighting more than anything else is the mental battle. One side of my brain keeps telling me that I am going to run a marathon well and I should be happy with that. The other side of my brain tells me that it will only be a happy experience if I run a time that would qualify me for the Boston Marathon. Those two forces are in an epic dual that Rocky Balboa and Apollo Creed would be proud of!

So to qualify for Boston would mean running the race at an average clip of 7:17 (or 3:10:59 total time) mile splits. Pretty much what only eight percent of male marathoners can accomplish. AND I am right there! Seriously, thisclosetothatpace. Then consider that in my age group (25-29) the average finish time for a marathon was 4:25. Barring a major meltdown I won't have to worry about going over the four hour mark.

Who ever thought running would be so mental. You know, it seems fairly simple to go out and run and that's it. Oh no! It's more mentally consuming than I ever could have thought. Yet, amid all those fun mental obstacles I am dealing with, I understand that I am actually going to run a marathon. I mean, how freakin' cool, awesome, amazing is that?!? That's what I have to continue to remember ... I can't wait for May 24!

The training continues ...


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