Messing with My Mind Daily ...

Thursday, April 24, 2008


The tipping point for America has officially been found.

If you didn't think that America was in trouble before gas hit $3.00 then you better start believing it now. Not only is gas going to be $4.00 shortly, this country is going to fall into more trouble.

Nervous yet? I know I am. It does kind of boggle the mind that this nations livelihood depends so much on oil. Really, it is quite amazing that one thing drives everything.

From grocery prices, to school lunches, to your paycheck, to housing prices, to ... well, everything depends on that all mighty barrel of oil that is costing more and more by the minute. And the thing that continually frustrates me is that these oil companies are posting record quarterly earnings.

There seems to be this intersection between being patience and being frustrated about the situation and I'm not sure which way to lean anymore. Being patient was good for a while but this is getting quite scary. Now more than ever.


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