Messing with My Mind Daily ...

Saturday, August 13, 2005


Ok, this will be real brief but just wanted to post something since it's been a few days since the last post.

The Leadership Summit just concluded and I am just in so much "awe" of what happens during the event. So many people are now better equipped and better trained after just 2 1/2 days! You could almost call it information overload!

Without going into a whole lot of detail b/c I'm still having most of the stuff process in my mind. I just want to go on record and say that, once again, Bill Hybels is just the freakin' man!! There are not enough adjectives to describe how important that man is in the leadership realm. I don't just mean in the church but just in the marketplace, school or where ever!

I had the extreme honor of meeting him a few months back. Now, he doesn't know me from Adam but just that brief two minute conversation was just so cool. If you ever get a chance to pick up one of his books please do so. He has so much to offer and what makes him so awesome is his passion. When he has something to say, you better listen b/c the stuff he has to share with people in second to no one.

Just one amazing individual! Really he will probably never know the impact he has had. His life has affected so many and certainly mine.


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