Messing with My Mind Daily ...

Friday, August 10, 2007


I have driven in every major city in the U.S. -- New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, L.A. -- but that doesn't come close. If you want to take a glimpse (albeit a small one) at what navigating the streets of India is like – here.

On one side of the street you have some cattle just wondering around and on the other side of the street you have some dogs, maybe a goat to go along with all the people just walking around. There isn't an amusement park in America that would "entertain" you as much as driving around India.

There is no center line on the road and people just weave in and around other vehicles at their own leisure. At one moment you are just a few seconds from a head-on collision before avoiding a nasty accident. Plus there is the consistant sound of car horns. It's not a real peaceful experience but on some odd level it is fun.

Amid all that chaos I didn't see one, not one, accident! I should have seen at least four dozen of them but not even one!

During our trip to a village I had to ride on the backseat of a motorcycle! Now, it's one thing to drive around in car that offers some level of protection but to ride around without a helmet on a "donor"-cycle was a level of nervous-ness I have never experienced. However, once I got comfortable it was a blast!


  • Been here a week and I would say yes there are lines on the road, police at every corner, and rules to follow. The accidents I have been in have all been bumps (one rickshaw driver used the car ahead of him to stop almost every time) But once I did see to motorcylces run into eachother and those on the shoulder quickly came out and picked the one bike off the other and brushed the two guys off (and kept them from fighting)

    By Blogger Ryan, at 9:55 PM  

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