Messing with My Mind Daily ...

Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Make no mistake about it, I am very bias in writing my quick review of Bruce Springsteen new album "Magic." However, my opinion is shared by many, many critics who know more about reviewing than I do.

The question for this album isn't -- will it be nominated for any Grammy Awards? The question is - how many Grammy Awards will this album win?

This album is potentially the best album he has ever put together. If it is not his best work, then it's at worst his second best since "Born to Run" will probably be viewed as his best piece of work.

This album is about as perfect as an album can be. The lyrics are fantastic, the E-Street band sounds amazing and Bruce's voice, while one of a kind, is great.

Some of the lyrics may upset people because his anti-war stance but at least the guy is thoughtful and very creative in his song writing. For example, take the song Devil's Arcade about guy who is struggling with his post-war experience. Absolutely brilliant writing. The whole album is filled with amazing lyrics.

Rolling Stone gave the album a very rare five-star review - here. If you like good classic rock and roll, then go buy this album immediately.


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