Messing with My Mind Daily ...

Thursday, May 01, 2008


(Since finishing Donald Millers first book, I have been really thinking about some of the thoughts and ideas he presented. So, let's journey with some of those questions - see Pt. 1)

Ever look at the stars and wonder which star is yours? God did tell Abraham his descendants would number the stars.

So this isn't so much a question as much as it is a thought. A pretty cool thought if you ask me. There are websites that you can buy a star and claim it as your own but why do that when you already own one? I wonder which one is mine? It really makes you wonder how vast the universe really is.

There are over six billion people on the planet and that means there are at least that many stars. How cool is that? How vast is the universe then? It just goes to show you how creative and wonderful God really is to create all this beauty.


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