Messing with My Mind Daily ...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


On Tuesday evening a group of people from Mosaic gathered to hear what Stussy co-founder Frank Sinatra Jr. (no relation to Frank Sinatra the singer) had to say about running a $25+ million business. Some of the highlights:

* You don’t have to lead in all contexts. Be sure to understand context and know your skills while discerning your motives.

* Just because someone asks you, doesn’t mean you must do it. When life hands you lemons, hand them back oranges.

* “Be realistic with your objectives and honest with expectations.”

* On improving leadership skills – “It is hard to soar with eagles when you roost with chickens.”

* Have patience and understanding in making “simple” decisions OR when having to make a “rushed” choice. How do you feed an elephant. One bite at a time.


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