Messing with My Mind Daily ...

Friday, April 14, 2006


Last night on the CBS Evening News they did a story on the Emergent Church and took a look at what is going on with that movement. You can see the transcript and download the three minute video - Here.

I got into a brief conversation last night about how 82% of Americans believe in God. When I first saw that my thought was I can't believe it's not higher than that because that means that 1 out of 5 don't believe in God. My second thought was, is that God with a big "G" or little "g"? Not sure on that one.

Then of those 82% who believe in God (little or big "G") about a third of them say that traditional religion is out of date (the whole "religion" thing is for another debate). Well, yeah duh! Not too many people are walking into a building more than twice a year (Easter and Christmas) looking for God.

This is why I believe places like Granger, Willowcreek, Mosaic, Mars Hill, etc., etc. get it. Meet people where they are then love them too much to keep them there. I could go on but I would digress ...

They got most of their video from a church in Denver, CO (of all places!) called "Scum of the Earth" ... So I started browsing around the website and it certainly has some interesting stuff for small groups!


  • interesting story. i have a few comments but i'll try and keep it super short. First i'm curious how they did the survey, that could be key to this whole discussion. Belief in God doesn't mean acting to follow, there question i think simply is thinking there may be some higher power. And dating religion that just, well i've got too much to say about that. The church is the people, that is the body. But still just following culture isn't always right either, the church shouldn't be a distraction from God. well enough said for a simple comment, its almost as long as the post. Catch me if you wanna talk about it more.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:06 PM  

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