Messing with My Mind Daily ...

Friday, February 16, 2007


Because I wanted to post something that was more on the lighter side, here are some random facts found on

* Next to Warsaw, Chicago has the largest Polish population in the world.

* The most productive day of the workweek is Tuesday.

* WAL-MART generates $3,000,000.00 in revenues every 7 minutes!

* Most dust particles in your house come from dead skin.

* The warmest temperature ever recorded on Antarctica was 3 degrees F. (and I thought South Bend was cold!)

* Americans eat nearly 100 acres of pizza every day - that's approximately 350 slices per second!

* In the average lifetime a person will breath in about 44 pounds of dust.

* You can't create a folder called 'con' in Microsoft Windows! (Go ahead and try ... you can't do it!)

Ok, that's enough random facts ... Thank God for Friday!


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