Messing with My Mind Daily ...

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Ok, blogger isn't allowing me to post pictures right now but I will later!

Not many people know who Issac Slade is but I am sure that most people have heard his music in some way shape or form. He is the lead singer for The Fray.

On Wednesday morning he was the speaker/singer for chapel at Grace College and being the music fan that I am, me and my friend Andy invested the time to hear what he has to say. It was time well spent. The college just give him the microphone for about 50 minutes and he sang and talked the entire time. Just him, a panio and a microphone.

He started with song that I never heard before so I am not sure what song he started with so please forgive me. After the un-named song he began his talk about "Authority" and how that tied in with the college's chapel theme of authentic leadership. He talked about how we have to know our 1) Story 2) Craft & 3) Limits

He chatted a little bit about his past and how his relationship with Jesus has been formed for the time he was a kid and his first live singing experience at mall when he was eight years old singing a Keith Green song. More than anything he wanted to make the point that -- People want to know how your story and how God has impacted it and how that can/should relate to another person.

After that he played "Over My Head" which was pretty sweet then talked about his craft. He told a pretty good story about playing in a Starbucks when he was 18 and how he learned to better relate (so to speak) to an unbelieving audience.

Once the Starbucks story was over he talked a little about his dating relationships and then he played "Look After You" a song he wrote for his wife (see picture). He closed with knowing your limits and having people who hold you accountable and are "willing to kick you in the stomach when you need it"

His final song was "How to Save a Life" that sounded amazing with just him and the panio. Be sure to check out sometime as well!

Afterwards I wanted around to chat with him for a bit and got to meet his wife as well. The best part was this guy who came up and asked if "we were with the band" ... Needless, to say me and Andy were not with the band but at least it was kind of cool to be asked!

The only thing that I will say about Issac is that he is a big Chipotle fan! In fact, he eats there for free! The perks of being the lead singer of band that just went platnium.


  • That must have a been a really cool experience! I saw Dave once where it was just him and a guitar and he chatted in between songs. It's very intimate

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:29 PM  

  • Sounds like you had a great time! Can't wait for the pictures...Catch you later!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:20 PM  

  • Well, what can I say. I'm jelous. Hope you're doing well you goob.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:12 AM  

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