Messing with My Mind Daily ...

Thursday, October 12, 2006


Brian McLaren is listed as one of the Top 25 Evangelicals, according to Time Magazine, and is in the Michiana area for a two-day stop at Goshen College. So on Wednesday morning I ventured down to their chapel service to hear his talk on the "Seven Jesuses I Have Known."

McLaren is an extremely personable guy. One of the nicest people you will ever meet. No seriously - you will ever meet! He really exudes grace and mercy like I have rarely seen.

Anyway, here are some of the notes that I jotted down during his 45 minute talk. Some pretty basic stuff from his book "Generous Orthodoxy"


I) Evangelical Jesus
- Jesus was sent to die (although McLaren says, the Gospels never say Jesus was sent just to die)
- God accepts our sin and punishes us for them

II) Penticostal Jesus
- Jesus through the Holy Spirit
- Power to live and move from the Holy Spirit

III) Catholic Jesus
- Jesus saves because he was raised from the dead
- There is no reason to fear anymore because Jesus overcame the ultimate fear - death - and we are liberated

IV) Eastern Orthodox Jesus
- Start by praying that God isn't there
- Jesus saves by being born and that represent God among humanity/creation and, as McLaren stated, He is a "super hero" of sorts

V) Liberal Protestant Jesus
- Jesus teaching is wisdom for the world and it's spreading

VI) Ana-Baptist Jesus
- Jesus lived in community and not as an instituation
- Jesus saves through 12 disciples
- McLaren made reference to this is close to what Amish are

VII) Jesus of Liberation Theology
- Reading the Bible is "colored" through your individual perspective
- God works through the "least of things" to liberate (i.e. Martin Luther King, Jr.)

So if you have read this long through the blog, I am impressed! Some of this stuff would be great sleeping materal ;-) ... Anyway, he is back at Goshen for a second time and I will pass along that information after he is done!


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