Messing with My Mind Daily ...

Friday, September 16, 2005


My favorite places I have ever visited.

The only place outside the U.S. I've been is Canada so I really don't have this great list but these places are awesome (well, at least to me).

1) Anywhere in Colorado.

This time last year I was one-day from getting on a plane and "getting lost" for a week. It was great, only five people knew were I was. If you've never been to the front range in Colorado (Denver, Ft. Collins, Colorado Springs, etc.) you have go to get yourself out there. I attached some of my favorite pictures from my vacation out there last September!

2) Dyersville, Iowa

This is were the movie Field of Dreams was filmed. This field is really in the freakin' middle of no where. The town of Dyersville is two miles away and the town itself only has like 3,000 people. It was a very rainy day when I was there and the corn wasn't grown yet but it was so awesome to field ground balls and play catch on that field!

3) Chicago, IL

So much to do. I mean whatever you want, it is at your finger tips. I've been to museums, baseball games (shocker, I know!), deep dish pizza places and, of course, Willow Creek Community Church!

4) Baltimore, MD

I love this place. I only grew-up just 90 minutes from here and used to visit quite often. It has the prettiest ballpark (Camden Yards), the Inner Harbor and the Babe Ruth museum agmonst other things. Whenever I go back to Pennsylvania I usually try to plan a trip down there. Just a great place to "chill out" for a few hours.

5) St. Louis, MO

I only spent one day there a few years ago but really enjoyed that city. The "arch" is amazing, the little shopping areas are cool and Busch Stadium was cool. Nothing like reall extra special about it but was so just nice, you know?!?


  • Yay for Chicago and most of all ST. LOUIS!! :) I hope you're doing great! Talk to you later

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:39 PM  

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