Messing with My Mind Daily ...

Thursday, December 01, 2005


I've seen a lot of crazy and silly things but this has to be somewhere in the dumbest things I have ever seen or heard of. I love sports but this is pretty stupid. Does the fact that there is a urinal on my page say anything about the below paragraph?!? ...

... A urologist paid $2,173.82 for a urinal from the Cardinals' former clubhouse at old Busch Stadium in an online memorabilia auction. The practice's doctors plan to put the urinal in the patient bathroom at their new office. They feel the urinals a bargain since the porcelain is unusually strong given its high steroid content.

I mean it makes sense to me, right?!? There are 2,173 better things to do with that money!


  • When your average machine that you have to buy at a Dr.'s office is at least over 30,000 dollars, just over $2,000 is a bargain! :) Think like a dr.! Just kidding...interesting story though!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:21 PM  

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